Recently Newsday conducted the interview with Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine with his health approach 'Yoga'. His approach in minding his health come from various reason including his damaged nerve in 2002. Here is the part of the interview:

"I do yoga, a lot of yoga," Mustaine says. "I'm doing a lot of healthy things - which I know seems like a dichotomy, for a rock star to be taking care of himself."

Mustaine, 45, has reason to mind his health. In 2002, he fell asleep in a chair and damaged the nerves in his left arm so badly that doctors predicted he'd never again play guitar. "Which naturally made me angry," he notes. To prevent his muscles from atrophying, he embarked on a regimen of physical therapy and electronic nerve stimulation. The result: Mustaine is shredding as skillfully as ever, perhaps even more so thanks to guitar lessons that cured him of bad habits.

I can look at my arms right now and know that one is a little smaller than the other," he says, speaking by phone last week from a venue in Milwaukee. "But I'm really the only one that can tell, besides the doctor."

Along with his personal comeback, Mustaine has experienced a career resurgence after a lengthy fallow period. Not long ago, the onetime Metallica guitarist appeared in the documentary "Metallica: Some Kind of Monster" whining to a former band member, "It's been hard to watch everything that you guys do and you touch turn to gold, and everything I do backfire." (Mustaine dismisses his portrayal as distorted - "the art of editing," he scoffs.)

But a string of reissued albums (including the 1986 classic "Peace Sells ... But Who's Buying?") raised Megadeth's profile, helping the 2004 disc "The System Has Failed" (Sanctuary) debut at No. 18 on the Billboard chart. Last year, Mustaine launched Gigantour, handpicking support acts that he felt represented the cream of the metal crop. With its return, Gigantour could develop into a bona-fide franchise a la Ozzfest.

Meantime, Mustaine has been engaging in not only yoga but another unlikely activity. "There was a period where I was looking at a lot of enlightenment and self-help books, and books on faith, just to improve myself as a writer and a human being," he says. He cites C.S. Lewis' theological fiction - particularly "The Screwtape Letters" - as an influence on the "System" album, which tackles themes of justice, war and power. (The cover depicts world leaders lining up to buy off their sins, with President George W. Bush first in line.) Mustaine promises not to soapbox in concert, but Megadeth has been playing the political song "Washington's Next" from its upcoming album, "United Abominations."

A while back there were reports of Mustaine's retirement, greatly exaggerated, it turns out. "I'm at a place where it's equivalent to the highs I've had in my career before," he says. "There's a lot of fuel left in the old tank."

Read the whole interview here

Thank Newsday

By Steve Baltin

On the coming album "Bat Out of Hell: The Monster is Loose", Meat Loaf teamed up with Desmond Child who produced the first two privious 'Bat' records.

"He basically begged me and said it was his destiny to produce 'Bat Out of Hell III,'" says the Loaf. "When you have somebody like Desmond Child, who literally has had 16 Top 10 [records] since 1985, he's been there, done that. But when you see the excitement, like it was his first record, you just couldn't resist it."

In addition, Desmond Child brought a group of talented musicians with him including Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue. "Desmond has collaborated his whole life," Meat Loaf says. "He had just finished working with Nikki Sixx on another song for somebody else's album. In Desmond's mind, this was the perfect guy to go to."

Both of them brought in guitarist John 5, who's now in Rob Zombie's band, to round out the song. "John 5 was playing guitars and it scared the hell out of me, because it was, like, so heavy and so different," Meat Loaf recalls. It was a valuable lesson, he says: "It was at that moment that I just went, 'Okay, I am not going to be closed. I'm opening up, and I'm going for everything and anything that I can be different about,'" he says. "And that's where we went."

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